Quizzes, Relationships

Quiz: Which Christmas Movie Best Describes Your Relationship

Take the quiz to find out which Christmas movie best describes your relationship and then watch it as part of your Christmas date night!

When deciding on a vacation destination, you...

Your house decor style together is/would be...

You feel the most loved when…

Your friends tell you that your relationship…

You hope your boo gets you ________ for Christmas.

Your boo's best quality is that they're...

Your perfect date night includes...

The next thing on your relationship bucket list is...

Your age range is...

If you had to choose one celebrity baby name for your (future) child it would be...

Which Christmas Movie Best Describes Your Relationship?

You two are super perky and oh-so-cute together. You might be freshly dating or still in the honeymoon phase following your wedding. It seems like nothing can get you down. Bad news is whatever! You’ve got everything you need in each other.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

While your relationship may be slightly dysfunctional, there’s nothing you two wouldn’t do for each other. Sometimes you hit bumps in the road and that’s okay. You two have the qualities and love needed to get through anything!
The Nightmare Before Christmas

One of you loves Christmas (or football) so much that once the season arrives, quality time gets thrown on the back burner. While one of you is running around decorating and singing carols, the other is missing their love. If you’re the Jack in the relationship, sit down with your Sally, even if it’s just to watch a Christmas movie and remind them that you haven’t forgotten them in all the excitement.
How The Grinch Stole Christmas

One of you is a bit of a grumpy gills. The other is sweet as can be. You’ve both helped each other grow in love, happiness, and understanding, making you a match made in heaven.
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Your boo sees just how special you are and sticks by your side through thick and thin. Your sweetness to each other means you’re both constantly blushings with never-ending butterflies.
Frosty’s Winter Wonderland

One (or both) of you had been having so much fun living life that you hadn’t even considered getting into a relationship. Then you met each other, were swept off your feet, and fell instantly in love. Now, your favorite way to live life is together.

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